

Our third flatmate Phoebe (yes, that's correct) arrived last night. To get acquainted, we stood this morning in a queue for the largest Caravaggio exhibit ever shown for 3.5 hours. In the sun. If I had been more of an entrepreneur I would have purchased a case of cold water and made a little extra spending money. Instead we waited patiently with the Romans and tourists. The show was actually fairly spectacular, and more exciting still was having a personal art historian in Juliette, a brilliant french architecture graduate student. 

My favorite painting was the dramatic Judith Beheading Holofernes. Apparently Judith is seeking revenge on Holofernes for her rape. To me Judith looks strong, a bit regretful and surprisingly sensual. 

1 comment:

  1. She does look regretful. I like the vectors of blood spritzing outward. Hooray for your blogging PG.
